Sunday, October 13, 2013

Congress' Bipartison Effort (Not a Joke)

Anyone with a infinitismal idea of the political situation in the United States knows very well that Congress has run into a few issues. It is clear that the root of the problems is party politics; the personal agenda pf party leaders who are either to liberal or to conservative that own dictionaries missing the word "compromise". The defunding of the Affordable Health Care Act was a process that right wing Conservatives believed to be smooth. It resulted, however, in one of the largest government shutdowns in United States history. It is now this partisan gridlock that prevents the United States government from raising the debt ceiling. It is unfortunate that the secretary of  the Treasury can barely balance the nation's books and soon will be unable to pay the government's bills. The most significant of these payments are the bond interests owed to countries such as China and Japan. These countries are more than willing to collect the trillion dollars in capital owned in bonds. If the decision to collect is made, the United States is far from able to allocate the necessary funding. It is therefore the responsibility of the egotistic and far from serviceful public servants to halt the  effects of this gridlock and move beyond political agenda  to do what they got elected for. It does not seem that constituents are pleased with a representative who cannot focus on one collective mission: do what is best for these United States of America.


  1. Fortunately, I have more than an infinitesimal idea of the political situation in the United States. Although the government has just recently resumed its work, the events that took place will have many negative long term affects. The United States of America has become the laughing stock of the world, our debt to Japan and China has become awfully high and yet congress still argues over irrelevant issues such as Obama Care.

  2. Our country made the mistake of letting our debt reach those heights. Since no one was able to compromise to the decision to raise the debt ceiling so in return the United States government shutdown. The debt that is due to China and Japan will never completely be payed off. Our representatives should focus on what is best for the country.
