Tuesday, January 7, 2014

That is a Big TV


This weekend is the annual CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is the comic-con of technology, the summit of the past years uphill battle to reach the top of the evolving mountain of technology. Major brands are expected to show not only consumers but other top-notch companies their capabilities and their influence into the future. CES in Las Vegas is where the smart cell-phone, tablet, and many other various important and useful devices have been introduced to the world. No doubt that CES rewrites history. This year, Samsung (a major player in the technology industry, of course) is introducing the Quad Ultra High Definition Television. This television is not only a smart-tv that pretty much has a mind of its own, but it has a ridiculous 7,680 x 4,320 pixels, but is a 98-inch television. The price is very high of course, estimated to be over forty five thousand dollars, but experts say that it has a great value. This television only reaffirms that fashion and technology are going through the same trend: crisp, high quality products that will make every individual in the room stare. Flamboyancy is apparently a fad that technology experiences. The individual who buys a 98-inch tv will be better off investing in a private home-theater and at-least have the cup-holders on the seats.

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