Monday, February 17, 2014

Switzerland votes immigration

Organizations like the European Union, the Russian led Customs Union, the United Nations, and the African Union all (although claiming otherwise) clearly infringe on the sovereignty of nations. Maybe those organizations encourage globalism and unity, but nationalism ceases to be the guiding spirit of all political agendas. It is astonishing that the minute and infinitismal sense of nationalism is starting to grow back. In Switzerland, the country's legislature  started to limit Immigration. The European Union has open borders where any citizen from a European country can go country to country with ease. This recent bill limits Switzerland's ease of access to get within its borders. Basically, the Swiss government does not want other European citizens, particularly Muslims, to easily cross and stay within its borders. This is not a particulary progressive nationalist spirit. It is simply biggotry and racism. What modern country bases its political agenda on religion and ethnicity? That is correct, most countries. The United States, Russia, China, England, France, amd all other major superpowers are the most racist nations of them all. Hopefully, mankind will not continue on this unfortunate path that does not move towards a good and hopeful future but returns us to the hate of the past. These issues cannot be solved, but will always have ways to lessen the degree.

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